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why chose digital enterprise

why you chose online business

1.You have flexibility of your time

Depending on the type of online business you choose to set up you can end up having much more flexibility in creating a work schedule that works for you.

You can choose what time of the day you want to work, how many hours you want to work and what days of the week you want to work as long as you set your business up in an efficient way.

This doesn’t mean that you can simply relax all of the time, but you have more choices in choosing when to focus on being productive whether it’s Monday – Friday or just the weekends, and whether it’s early in the morning, late at night or in the middle of the day.

You aren’t limited by an hourly wage because your income is often determined by how productive you are with your time and how well your business systems are working, not the number of hours you work.

Having more flexibility in your schedule means being able to spend more of your life focusing on important activities both inside and outside of your business, and being able to make more time for the things that truly matter to you (aside from your business that is).

2.you have the freedom of choosing your location

In an online business you aren’t tied down to a desk or a single location.

As long as you have an internet connection and a laptop you can run your business from anywhere in the world.

You have the freedom to travel and choose where you want to work on any given day and that’s extremely liberating.

Whether you want to visit your family in another state or take a trip somewhere exotic your business will always be with you.

For most online business, especially blogs there’s little to no commute time necessary, which saves you a lot of wasted time, energy and fuel.

The additional time that you gain from not having to commute and the freedom you get from working where you choose means you can be much more productive and have more freedom to set up a schedule that is much more efficient and flexible

Huge income and growth potential

In an online business your income isn’t simply determined by the number of hours you work but by the level of productivity you can produce during the hours you work and the systems you have in place to generate a passive income.

By spending your time on the right activities such as developing your website, marketing/SEO and income producing activities you can significantly reduce the number of hours you have to work in order to bring in a sustainable income.

Unlike most regular jobs your online business is able to keep running and connect with other people to share information and sell products, even when you sleep.

You don’t have to be present in order for a transaction to occur; you just have to be consistent with your efforts and focus on the right things to grow and sustain your business.

Over time you will be able to grow an asset that works for you and generates passive income in return allowing you to have more financial flexibility and providing a way to supplement some, or even all of your income as you continue to grow.

The business runs 24/7

I know I’ve hammered this down several times, but it definitely should be repeated.

Unlike most traditional brick and mortar stores an online business can be run 24 hours a day 7 days a week, even when you’re not in front of the computer.

And because websites are always online it allows others to always be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This provides business owners with much more flexibility in regards to both when and how they work by allowing the information, products and services to always reach those in need.

As long as an individual has a computer, tablet  and/or smartphone they are able to visit your online business or blog and get the information they need when they need it.

Examples of this include blogs (such as this), niche websites, news sites and eCommerce retailers that are able to provide valuable information, products and/or services to readers, consumers and buyers who are interested in what they have to offer.

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